Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Chapter 9 -- The end.

After this, the girl went to live with the new family on the other side
of town. I kept in touch enough that she doesn't forget me but not so
much that I interfere with her learning to live with and love her new

In the first few months after her death her parents go about cleaning out
her things. I end up with quite a few things of hers. The most touching
thing is the Beanie Baby wedding bears. Groom and Bride. She had bought
it shortly before my birthday and had meant to give it to me. Instead I
got it after she passed. Her final gift to me telling me that were it not
for this situation we would certainly have been married.

This is where I end up in an almost unique situation. Many men are
widowers with children. Many men have fiances or girlfriends that have
passed. Very few have almost-children who they've practically been
fathers to only to lose their mothers and have the children go elsewhere.
Even fewer of them end up staying in those childrens lives as an

Where does this leave me now? Well, I got on with my life. As hard as it
was to do. I'm of course still a regular in her daughters life.

But her daughter is where this story really ends, or doesn't actually end
yet. She has her life ahead of her. At the writing of this, she's wrapping
up her first year in high school, with honor roll. As a freshman she was
playing varsity sports. Due to the incredible generousity of her mommy's
coworkers, she's got her college tuition paid for. Her mommy prepared her
very well for life and I'm so incredibly proud of her.


Blogger honkeie said...

I know it has been over 2 years since you wrote this but I just finished reading it and wanted to thank you for sharing your story. It was a very sad, heart felt, warming and touching story. Again thank you for let us in to see a small part of your world, I hope all has turned out well for you and your almost daughter.

8:00 AM  

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