Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Recent realization about life. . .

I've previously mentioned that I essentially volunteer to teach children. And that one of the girls I taught last year had lost a friend to cancer.

This last class session was the last one before Christmas. This usually means gifts from the kids. I got more this year than ever before. Having them all here in hand made me realize something, as touching as it is that the kids -- with the help of their parents -- get me present, I'm far happier about the 2 notes I received last year from that student's mother. She had written me two notes thanking me for the depth and breadth of the class and the good job I was doing. She knew of my history and that I knew of her daughters.

By the end of classes we had exchanged stories. She showed me pictures of her and her friend and I shared pictures of us. I even got permissions to pass along a poem that Her daughter had written after Her death. Some day I hope that I can share that poem. . .


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