Tuesday, September 12, 2006

the girls birthday gift. . .

So, the not-so-little girl's birthday is coming up. I've been shpping around for gifts. I just stumbled onto Shel Silverstein's The Giving Tree. She used to read this to her daughter. I read it a few times too. As if the story itself isn't moving enough, the memories of this are rough.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

postsecret. . .

So. I read http://postsecret.blogspot.com/. This week there's a postcard from someone who recently lost the job they love and whose fiance is far away. Needless to say, that one moved me. . .How can I cheer them up? I've survived, but just that. . .

Well, until recently. For the last 6 months I've had a job that replaces the one I lost years ago. I'm doing the kind of work I love with people that are good and it's not even a far commute or anything. Pretty much, no down side and nothing but good. This last week sucked. I just totally screwed things up, but was forgiven and am being given another chance.

However, this made me realize something. I never tell anyone about what's happened until they know me pretty well. I realized I don't want anyone to judge me for anything other than what I am. I don't want work to keep me on just because they pity me, I want them to believe I'm a quality employee. As of yet, I haven't told anyone at the new job about what happened.

Now to see about that smart, fun and interesting hottie. . .

Why am I having so much trouble even talking to her. . .blah.