Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Fun and rough weekend. . .

I took Her daughter skiing this last weekend. I took them both skiing back when we were dating and it became a yearly ritual with her after her mother's passing. She's an incredibly athletic girl anyway so skiing comes naturally and she's incredibly good. It was really a very good time. We got to go to a bigger place this year and she loved skiing the Glades.

The worst part of the weekend is that it's also the anniversary of our first date. It's one of the 3 hard days every year: Her birthday, Her death day and that anniversary. Since I've settled on the fact that I'm never going to actually get over the pain, these days have started getting easier. By no means are they easy, but I no longer want to just veg and drink or cry. This anniversary always falls right around our ski weekend which always makes it a bittersweet day, and I usually have little time to think about it. But after dropping her off at home I get the pain of both leaving her there and remembering the day that just passed, kind of a doubly whammy. On the upside, a good weekend makes good memories. . .