Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Been a while. . .

So it's been a while since I've posted. Obviously much has happened.

Another death day has passed. It's been long enough that it was the same weekday. So I relived much of the events that happened in the days leading up to the day. Very much not fun.

The girl's birthday passed. She's now legal to drive. This is a birthday I've been waiting for for ages. I didn't get to teach her to drive. Or change a tire and check the oil, which I swear any child of mine will know how to do. Maybe the next time. If there is one.

But. The most blogable thing that came out of the time since my last post is that I went to go see the orchestra play the Lord of the Rings symphony. Why is this important? Well, I saw the symphony at an amphitheater and sat on the lawn. I had invited the girl along and she was very excited about going but couldn't. As I sat there looking around I noticed very many kids, so many it was more than a little surprising. I started thinking about this. When was the last time that kids actually wanted to see the symphony? When was the last time their eyes would light up at the thought, like the girl's did?

So, the bloggable bit is that for all the people that don't like the Lord of the Rings movies because their not true to the story, any movies that can get kids interested in the symphony and bring back the idea of the epic is good enough for me.